Halyk Bank Logo

Accepting online payments
for your business

More than 65% of online stores in Kazakhstan use online EPAY payments from Halyk Bank

Register and apply for a terminal.

payment form demo

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Constantly developing
online payment technologies

Convenient connection
You can choose severalways to connect
Popular payment methods
What your customers are used to:Apple pay and Samsung Pay
Available rates
Favorable conditions, without subscriptionfees and additional commissions
Personal account
Convenient analytics and servicefor payment management
bank cards
decorative phone
decorative laptop
For your customers

Payment methods

apple pay logo

Payment from any Apple device

samsung pay logo

Fast and convenient.What your customers are used to.

A logo of bank cards
Bank cards

Online payments for all types of cards in Kazakhstan

QR code logo

Instant money transfer to the account and simple integration

Become a part of ePay online acquiring

  • More than 10,000 merchants trust us
  • The most popular Internet acquiring service in Kazakhstan

Connect in a couple of clicks

  • Register
  • Apply for the connection
  • After registration, get a terminal and accept payments in your store

Quick start your online store, without programming skills

Tilda platform logo
Create a website on Tilda

Tilda - is one of the constructors with which you can build your website from ready—made blocks

Create a website
Tilda platform logo
sign the contract

Come to the branch of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC and the manager will help you sign the contract

More detailed
Tilda platform logo
Connect the module ePay

When the site is ready and the contract is signed, you need to connect the module to your site

Video instruction
We have prepared detailed instructions for you
For ease of connection

CMS Modules

Works with 10 popular CMS

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Portal demostration

Personal account

Convenient business management

Portal demostration
Billing fromyour personal account
Online businessStatistics
Optimizedtransaction search
Online statement

Basic rate


Visa/Mastercard/UPI issued by Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC


American Express, Diners Club, Discover, JCB


Visa/Mastercard/UPI issued payment cards from other banks

Integration possibilities


Mobile SDK

Allows you to integrate Internet acquiring into a mobile application

Mobile SDK

Leave a request for activation

  • Астана
  • Алматы
  • Актау
  • Актобе
  • Акмолниская область
  • Атырау
  • Байконыр
  • Балхаш
  • Жезказган
  • Жанаозень
  • Караганда
  • Конаев
  • Костанай
  • Кызылорда
  • Павлодар
  • Петропавловск
  • Семей
  • Талдыкорган
  • Тараз
  • Темиртау
  • Туркестан
  • Уральск
  • Усть-Каменогорск
  • Шымкент
  • Экибастуз
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