A service for checking the validity of the card and, if necessary, saving it
Receiving a token for making a payment (for each operation, you must receive and use the original token)
PUBLISHING WITH A SIMPLE URL https://testoauth.homebank.kz/epay2/oauth2/token PUBLISHING WITH A SIMPLE URL https://epay-oauth.homebank.kz/oauth2/token
grant_type: "client_credentials" scope: "webapi usermanagement email_send verification statement statistics payment" client_id: "halykfinanceUSD" client_secret: "U01gQZVL##lJ$NhJ" invoiceID: "Номер заказа" amount: 0 currency: "USD" terminal: "d9d7978c-d6ee-4ec0-8cda-165251a4bf16"
The answer
"access_token": "DCEB8O_ZM5U7SO_T_U5EJQ",
"expires_in": 7200,
"scope": "webapi usermanagement manages email intended for data transmission",
"token_type": "Representative".
Incoming parameters
Field name | Description | Required/Optional |
amount | Amount that accounts for all time 0 | Required |
currency | The currency of the whole world is USD | Required / |
name | I'm holding the cards | The designation / |
cryptogram | Encrypted parameters of the paid card | The designation |
Invoice ID | The order number generated by the user can be unique for each new order, from 6 to 15 years old. If you want someone to say that you have more than 6 words, then you need more time to get together with those 6 words_________________________________ | Explanatory |
Invoicing | Indicating the number generated by the user, maybe for each new order, from 6 to 15 years old | Required / |
description | In this case, information is provided about the product or services for which payment is made | Explanatory note |
AccountId | User ID connected to the system computer, or a simple user interface for viewing data. | Automatic / |
Client's email address | Desired | |
phone / Desired client | Desired / | |
Mail link | Link to send for authorization in the store | Free of charge / |
failurePostLink | Link to opt out of a simple online authorization setup to send to the store | For free / |
cardsave | The parameter displays the map, true - displays the map, false - does not display, logical type | General |
data | Fully distributed according to the request | Preferably |
qrReference | the number of the payment made via qr, in case the payment was made without qr, the field value will be empty | Required |
accumtBonus | a field that reflects the amount of bonuses that was used by the client when paying with bonuses. If the card is saved, this value will always be 0 | Required |
ip | the IP address where the request was made from | Required |
ipCountry | сountry name | Required |
ipCity | name of the city | Required |
ipRegion | name of the region | Required |
ipDistrict | name of the district | Required |
ipLatitude | latitude | Required |
ipLongitude | longitude | Required |
issuerBankCountry | country of the issuing bank | Required |
Preparing the cryptogram
Cryptogram structure:
{ hpan string expDate string cvc string terminalId string }
{ "hpan": "4003032704547597", "Accessed date": "1022", "cvc": "636", "User ID": "0d4d345e-8566-43bd-b046-028b5aee6406". }
The structure should be focused on a potential user of the business class, who will find the right address https://epay-api.homebank.kz/public.rsa https://testepay.homebank.kz/api/public.rsa
Making a payment
POST URL https://testepay.homebank.kz/api/payment/cryptopay POST URL https://epay-api.homebank.kz/payment/cryptopay
Request header:
Type used: application/json Author: our representative is DCEB8O_ZM5U7SO_T_U5EJQ
Request body:
{ "amount":0, "currency":"USD", "name":"JON JONSON", "cryptogram":"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", "invoiceId":"000001", "description":"test payment", "accountId":"uuid000001", "email":"jj@example.com", "phone":"77777777777", "cardSave": true, "paymentType": "cardVerification", "data": "{\"statement\":{\"name\":\"Arman Ali\",\"invoiceID\":\"80000016\"}}", "postLink":"https://testmerchant/order/1123", "failurePostLink":"https://testmerchant/order/1123/fail" }
The result of a successful payment operation without 3D Secure
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id":"7943816b-58a8-47f6-a11e-67b63c4228c7", "accountID": "uuid000001", "amount": 0, "amountBonus": 0, "currency": "USD", "description": "test payment", "email": "jj@example.com", "invoiceID": "938290483290", "language": "RUS" "phone":"77777777777", "reference": "114537489258", "intReference": "435G34G34534T546", "secure3D": null, "cardID": "111DFSDF-3F43-18V4-V34-ASD12342323", "fee": 0, "code": 0, "status":"VERIFIED", "secureDetails": "", "qrReference": "", "ip": "", "ipCity": "", "ipCountry": "", "ipDistrict": "", "ipLatitude": 0, "ipLongitude": 0, "ipRegion": "", "issuerBankCountry": "KAZ" }
The result of a failed payment transaction
HTTP/1.1 400 OK { "code": 487, "message": " Not permitted to merchant", "invoiceId": "8161284658525", "id": "", "reference": "", "accountId": "uuid000001" }
The result of the payment operation with 3D Secure
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id": "7943816b-58a8-47f6-a11e-67b63c4228c7", "accountId": "uuid000001", "amount": 0, "amountBonus": 0, "currency": "USD", "description": "test payment", "email": "jj@example.com", "invoiceID": "123456813", "language": "RUS", "phone": "77777777777", "reference": "", "intReference": "", "secure3D": { "paReq": "eJxVUl1TozAU/SsMrx1JSFuXdm7jsFZ23dbKmrbO+hYhCrYEDEFrf70JC3683XPunXPuPQmcHYq98yJUnZdy5voedh0hkzLN5ePM3ayjk8A9o7DOlBBzJpJGCQpXoq75o3Dy258741Sm14EUXbV5dC26bQGVCjijqhWtTaMWcVhjLWlgL0ecr5bxtxok1q4QMLgrh4iaRaln8I44PX1cM+/DHJ5pkNvh2yVrlJjYzwaetlASArg7o3Rd03MNW37/EOlXHEpA==", "md": "271710719-E54F6D8F865285D4", "action": "https://cardsecure.kkb.kz/CommerSafeACS/pa?id=YLcP2547mFFVw" }, "cardID": "" }
After receiving the result of the payment with 3D Secure, it is necessary to redirect the client to the password entry form.
To do this, the received parameters are used: PAReq, md, action.
In the Term Url parameter, you must use the address to which the merchant system will receive the result of the 3D Secure check. the password.
Example of building a form for redirecting a client:
<body onload="javascript:OnLoadEvent();"> <FORM ACTION="<%=action%>" METHOD="post" NAME="ThreeDform" target="_self"> <input name="PaReq" type="hidden" value="<%=paReq%>"> <input name="MD" type="hidden" value="<%=md%>"> <input name="TermUrl" type="hidden" value="https://merchantsite.com/3dRes"> </FORM> <div align="center"> <h1>Дождитесь ответа! <br><br> Жауабын күтіңіз!<br><br> Wait for an answer!<br><br> </h1> </div> </body> <SCRIPT>function OnLoadEvent () { document.forms[0].submit(); }
The result of the 3DSecure check received on the merchant's TermUrl:
PaRes: eJzNWVnT4jiy/SsdPY9Et3ewO6gvQt53bPD+5g3vNmCDjX/9FXxV1TXVPXHnzsONIYJATqcyU0rlOZLYO+Utz/lTnt5v+cfeyMcxLvJfquzLrxY45tc/Qp0HJ6UBIXZEC3EqspDgx/nXj/3r9fhWfKv8dpgvVMRu/efRq2VFBVDlkd/Gaug/sN/R3/E98u0RermlZdxPH/s4vbKK+UGSKLWl9sjXx32X3xT+w1QcXbcEhsYIFKewPfIp3iN/9rfur9YII1+q7MM9CLyv42mIMwEpTXPmM13cLamyob/skZfGPoun/ANHcQylcPoXDP0DJf+gtnvkLd9fXuZAN9yhbYyBbtE98qNsD2fplvfp84Ng6D3y/WmfL5ehz6EGHOb39h75M7xL3H+gP3wwCmOgbSjdO8HHfqq6n8Ki/sChrbd8P07xdB8/H+vOG631x//574XXT/OPfDv8D83MUpA== MD: 270469967-9CA5EC5779A3358E
Payment confirmation (sending the result of 3D Secure password verification)
URL POST https://epay-api.homebank.kz/payments/confirm?Access=:token
Body { "ID": "7943816b-58a8-47f6-a11e-67b63c4228c7", "PaRes": "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", "MD": "271710719-E54F6D8F865285D4", }
The result of a successful operation
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "id": "7943816b-58a8-47f6-a11e-67b63c4228c7", "accountID": "uuid000001", "amount": 0, "amountBonus": 0, "currency": "USD", "description": "test payment", "email": "jj@example.com", "invoiceID": "938290483290", "language": "RUS" "phone": "77777777777", "reference": "114537489258", "intReference": "435G34G34534T546", "secure3D": null, "cardID": "111DFSDF-3F43-18V4-V34-ASD12342323", "fee":0, "code":0, "status":"VERIFIED", "secureDetails": "F", "qrReference": "", "ip": "", "ipCity": "", "ipCountry": "", "ipDistrict": "", "ipLatitude": 0, "ipLongitude": 0, "ipRegion": "", "issuerBankCountry": "KAZ" }