A service for checking the validity of the card and, if necessary, saving it

Receiving a token for making a payment (for each operation, you must receive and use the original token)

PUBLISHING WITH A SIMPLE URL https://testoauth.homebank.kz/epay2/oauth2/token
PUBLISHING WITH A SIMPLE URL https://epay-oauth.homebank.kz/oauth2/token


grant_type: "client_credentials"
scope: "webapi usermanagement email_send verification statement statistics payment"
client_id: "halykfinanceUSD"
client_secret: "U01gQZVL##lJ$NhJ"
invoiceID: "Номер заказа"
amount: 0
currency: "USD"
terminal: "d9d7978c-d6ee-4ec0-8cda-165251a4bf16"

The answer

"access_token": "DCEB8O_ZM5U7SO_T_U5EJQ",
"expires_in": 7200,
"scope": "webapi usermanagement manages email intended for data transmission",
"token_type": "Representative".

Incoming parameters

Field nameDescriptionRequired/Optional
amountAmount that accounts for all time 0Required
currencyThe currency of the whole world is USDRequired /
nameI'm holding the cardsThe designation /
cryptogramEncrypted parameters of the paid cardThe designation
Invoice IDThe order number generated by the user can be unique for each new order, from 6 to 15 years old. If you want someone to say that you have more than 6 words, then you need more time to get together with those 6 words_________________________________Explanatory
InvoicingIndicating the number generated by the user, maybe for each new order, from 6 to 15 years oldRequired /
descriptionIn this case, information is provided about the product or services for which payment is madeExplanatory note
AccountIdUser ID connected to the system computer, or a simple user interface for viewing data.Automatic /
EmailClient's email addressDesired
phone / Desired clientDesired /
Mail linkLink to send for authorization in the storeFree of charge /
failurePostLinkLink to opt out of a simple online authorization setup to send to the storeFor free /
cardsaveThe parameter displays the map, true - displays the map, false - does not display, logical typeGeneral
dataFully distributed according to the requestPreferably
qrReferencethe number of the payment made via qr, in case the payment was made without qr, the field value will be emptyRequired
accumtBonusa field that reflects the amount of bonuses that was used by the client when paying with bonuses. If the card is saved, this value will always be 0Required
ipthe IP address where the request was made fromRequired
ipCountryсountry nameRequired
ipCityname of the cityRequired
ipRegionname of the regionRequired
ipDistrictname of the districtRequired
issuerBankCountrycountry of the issuing bankRequired

Preparing the cryptogram

Cryptogram structure:

hpan string
expDate string 
cvc string
terminalId string


"hpan": "4003032704547597",
"Accessed date": "1022",
"cvc": "636",
"User ID": "0d4d345e-8566-43bd-b046-028b5aee6406".

The structure should be focused on a potential user of the business class, who will find the right address https://epay-api.homebank.kz/public.rsa https://testepay.homebank.kz/api/public.rsa

Making a payment

POST URL https://testepay.homebank.kz/api/payment/cryptopay
POST URL https://epay-api.homebank.kz/payment/cryptopay


Request header:

Type used: application/json
Author: our representative is DCEB8O_ZM5U7SO_T_U5EJQ

Request body:

  "name":"JON JONSON",
  "description":"test payment",
  "cardSave": true,
  "paymentType": "cardVerification",
  "data": "{\"statement\":{\"name\":\"Arman     Ali\",\"invoiceID\":\"80000016\"}}",

The result of a successful payment operation without 3D Secure

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "accountID": "uuid000001",
  "amount": 0,
  "amountBonus": 0,
  "currency": "USD",
  "description": "test payment",
  "email": "jj@example.com",
  "invoiceID": "938290483290",
  "language": "RUS"
  "reference": "114537489258",
  "intReference": "435G34G34534T546",
  "secure3D": null,
  "cardID": "111DFSDF-3F43-18V4-V34-ASD12342323",
  "fee": 0,
  "code": 0,
  "secureDetails": "",
  "qrReference": "",
  "ip": "",
  "ipCity": "",
  "ipCountry": "",
  "ipDistrict": "",
  "ipLatitude": 0,
  "ipLongitude": 0,
  "ipRegion": "",
  "issuerBankCountry": "KAZ"


The result of a failed payment transaction

HTTP/1.1 400 OK

"code": 487,
"message": " Not permitted to merchant",
"invoiceId": "8161284658525",
"id": "",
"reference": "",
"accountId": "uuid000001"

The result of the payment operation with 3D Secure

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": "7943816b-58a8-47f6-a11e-67b63c4228c7",
    "accountId": "uuid000001",
    "amount": 0,
    "amountBonus": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "description": "test payment",
    "email": "jj@example.com",
    "invoiceID": "123456813",
    "language": "RUS",
    "phone": "77777777777",
    "reference": "",
    "intReference": "",
    "secure3D": {
        "paReq": "eJxVUl1TozAU/SsMrx1JSFuXdm7jsFZ23dbKmrbO+hYhCrYEDEFrf70JC3683XPunXPuPQmcHYq98yJUnZdy5voedh0hkzLN5ePM3ayjk8A9o7DOlBBzJpJGCQpXoq75o3Dy258741Sm14EUXbV5dC26bQGVCjijqhWtTaMWcVhjLWlgL0ecr5bxtxok1q4QMLgrh4iaRaln8I44PX1cM+/DHJ5pkNvh2yVrlJjYzwaetlASArg7o3Rd03MNW37/EOlXHEpA==",
        "md": "271710719-E54F6D8F865285D4",
        "action": "https://cardsecure.kkb.kz/CommerSafeACS/pa?id=YLcP2547mFFVw"
    "cardID": ""

After receiving the result of the payment with 3D Secure, it is necessary to redirect the client to the password entry form.

To do this, the received parameters are used: PAReq, md, action.

In the Term Url parameter, you must use the address to which the merchant system will receive the result of the 3D Secure check. the password.

Example of building a form for redirecting a client:

<body  onload="javascript:OnLoadEvent();">
<FORM ACTION="<%=action%>" METHOD="post" NAME="ThreeDform" target="_self">
       <input name="PaReq" type="hidden" value="<%=paReq%>">
       <input name="MD" type="hidden" value="<%=md%>">
       <input name="TermUrl" type="hidden" value="https://merchantsite.com/3dRes">
       <div align="center"> 
                <h1>Дождитесь ответа! <br><br>
                     Жауабын күтіңіз!<br><br>
                     Wait for an answer!<br><br>                                                        
<SCRIPT>function OnLoadEvent () {

The result of the 3DSecure check received on the merchant's TermUrl:

PaRes: eJzNWVnT4jiy/SsdPY9Et3ewO6gvQt53bPD+5g3vNmCDjX/9FXxV1TXVPXHnzsONIYJATqcyU0rlOZLYO+Utz/lTnt5v+cfeyMcxLvJfquzLrxY45tc/Qp0HJ6UBIXZEC3EqspDgx/nXj/3r9fhWfKv8dpgvVMRu/efRq2VFBVDlkd/Gaug/sN/R3/E98u0RermlZdxPH/s4vbKK+UGSKLWl9sjXx32X3xT+w1QcXbcEhsYIFKewPfIp3iN/9rfur9YII1+q7MM9CLyv42mIMwEpTXPmM13cLamyob/skZfGPoun/ANHcQylcPoXDP0DJf+gtnvkLd9fXuZAN9yhbYyBbtE98qNsD2fplvfp84Ng6D3y/WmfL5ehz6EGHOb39h75M7xL3H+gP3wwCmOgbSjdO8HHfqq6n8Ki/sChrbd8P07xdB8/H+vOG631x//574XXT/OPfDv8D83MUpA== MD: 270469967-9CA5EC5779A3358E 

Payment confirmation (sending the result of 3D Secure password verification)

URL POST https://epay-api.homebank.kz/payments/confirm?Access=:token

    "ID": "7943816b-58a8-47f6-a11e-67b63c4228c7",
    "PaRes": "/ZUo742DgULQ4CotpdByEwF6eQvOAFEggSRUtE+rfsh+A9pV1Uq7VX/B/aPaKfTyYOucmfHx8YzhaLOYa7cYJ34UVvWcYeoahjzy/HBa1YeD+kFZP2IwmMWINQf5OkYGbUwSd4qa71X1nt3HVeXqPK1PHHpCg1l+dHs84rlyszPVGWRpBrsLmNQ3KJA9lUoxn7lhysDlq+NmhxUKZvGwCGRHYYFxs8acRrd32rctWrQKZl4KfIQhdBfIGt32qSowLm6AZBHg0TpM4zuWt8pA9gTW8ZzN0nRZIQSX7p0RBGMjuAei4kC+rPTWCiVSZ+N7DEm/1LpqrobjktO6HNdaw/GNV+f2ZNCuAlEV4LkpMmrmLOmtpJlWpUArNAcki4O7UAZk3pTP+sCwVFfY3xLfAyC7HMsh7P3vGeBmGYWojgD5xOBhwpn4LV7FP7F9exBbTfzRxLN4kfjx7Zd4kfuDJv6Lrfgr15NKiUfpTp0D8vXak4YaA09lZ+3Lnj09871waEX3tU5wPUKPu5PuxJlTNZ",
	"MD": "271710719-E54F6D8F865285D4",

The result of a successful operation

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": "7943816b-58a8-47f6-a11e-67b63c4228c7",
  "accountID": "uuid000001",
  "amount": 0,
  "amountBonus": 0,
  "currency": "USD",
  "description": "test payment",
  "email": "jj@example.com",
  "invoiceID": "938290483290",
  "language": "RUS"
  "phone": "77777777777",
  "reference": "114537489258",
  "intReference": "435G34G34534T546",
  "secure3D": null,
  "cardID": "111DFSDF-3F43-18V4-V34-ASD12342323",
  "secureDetails": "F",
  "qrReference": "",
  "ip": "",
  "ipCity": "",
  "ipCountry": "",
  "ipDistrict": "",
  "ipLatitude": 0,
  "ipLongitude": 0,
  "ipRegion": "",
  "issuerBankCountry": "KAZ"