__ Getting a token__
TEST URL POST https://testoauth.homebank.kz/epay2/oauth2/token PROD URL POST https://epay-oauth.homebank.kz/oauth2/token
query Body: form-data
grant_type: "password" username: "USERNAME" password: "USERPASSWORD" scope: "transfer" client_id: "CLIENTID" client_secret: "CLIENTSECRET"
"expires_in": 7200,
Field | Description |
access_token | Token for performing the operation |
expires_in | Token expiration time |
refresh_token | Not used for this type of authorization |
scope | Resource, the transfer resource is used for making the payment |
token_type | Authorization type |
URL https://testepay.homebank.kz/api/p2p/operations
Input parameters are transmitted as JSON: The model is presented in the following form:
"page": ,
In the "paging" block, two parameters must be passed: "page" - the number of records to be skipped; "size" - the number of records to be displayed on the page. In the "searchParameters" block, you need to pass three parameters, you can also search through a variety of fields (the query example shows how) "name" is the name of the field (filter) by which the database will be searched, the list is presented below; "method" is the search method (specify in the following form: between, in, like , = , < , > , <= , >= ) ; " searchParameter" - search parameters.When using the between search method, 2 parameters must be passed, when using like, one parameter must be passed that contains the % sign, when using the in search method, at least 1 parameter must be used. If the parameters are not passed correctly, an error will be returned. The request must specify the transaction period. This search parameter is mandatory. In the "orderParameters" block, two parameters can be passed: "field" - the name of the field by which sorting will take place; "typeOrder" - the type of sorting ASC/DESC. This block can be left empty if there is no need to sort or sort by several fields (shown in the example below).
Attention! The created_at search method is mandatory_
Description | Name |
Transaction date | created_date |
Terminal No. | terminal_id |
Order No. | invoice_id |
Customer ID in the customer's store | account_id |
Phone | payer_phone |
payer_email | |
RRN | reference |
Amount | amount |
Card | card_mask |
__ Request example, JSON:__
"paging": {
"page": 0,
"size": 20
"searchParameters": [
"name": "created_at",
"method": "between",
"searchParameter": [
"orderParameters": [
"field": "created_at",
"typeOrder": "ASC"
"field": "id",
"typeOrder": "ASC"
The response is returned as JSON:
"totalCount": 132,
"records": [
"id": "f0c79d0d-1b98-4b8c-8ea3-83a110be191e",
"dateTime": "2022-02-03T11:42:35.533398+06:00",
"invoiceId": "123456789377804",
"amount": 200,
"currency": "KZT",
"terminal": "98151552",
"accountId": "",
"description": "TEST p2p",
"language": "",
"senderCardMask": "4003********9821",
"receiverCardMask": "5578********0613",
"senderCardType": "VISA",
"receiverCardType": "MasterCard",
"senderIssuer": "",
"receiverIssuer": "",
"reference": "203480420271",
"secure": "",
"code": "00",
"reason": "",
"reasonCode": 0,
"name": "Sergey Frolov",
"email": "dosbols@halykbank.kz",
"phone": "",
"ip": "",
"ipCountry": "",
"ipCity": "",
"ipRegion": "",
"ipDistrict": "",
"ipLongitude": 0,
"ipLatitude": 0,
"status": "ok",
"senderCardId": "",
"receiverCardId": ""
The error response is returned as JSON:
"code": 232,
"message": "There is no search method"