Getting a token to request the transfer status (for each operation, you need to get and use the original token)

TEST URL POST https://testoauth.homebank.kz/epay2/oauth2/token
PROD URL POST https://epay-oauth.homebank.kz/oauth2/token


Body: form-data

grant_type: "client_credentials"
scope: "webapi usermanagement email_send verification statement statistics payment"
client_id: "test"
client_secret: "yF587AV9Ms94qN2QShFzVR3vFnWkhjbAK3sG"
terminal: "67e34d63-102f-4bd1-898e-370781d0074d"

grant_typeАuthorization type, the client_credentials
scope type is used for making a paymentResource
client_idMerchant ID, can be obtained in the cabinet, issued during registration
client_secretThe merchant's access key, which can be obtained in the cabinet, is issued upon registration
terminalThe ID of the point of sale, which can be obtained in the cabinet, is issued during registration


"access_token": "DCEB8O_ZM5U7SO_T_U5EJQ",
"expires_in": 7200,
"refresh_token": "",
"scope": "webapi usermanagement email_send verification statement statistics payment",
"token_type": "Bearer"

After receiving the token, you need to transfer it to Headers Bearer DCEB8O_ZM5U7SO_T_U5EJQ on the endpoint:

TEST URL https://testepay.homebank.kz/api/check-status/p2p/transaction/order
PROD URL https://epay-api.homebank.kz/check-status/p2p/transaction/order

Example: https://testepay.homebank.kz/api/check-status/p2p/transaction/123456

Response in case of successful execution of the request:


    "result": {
        "code": "100",
        "message": "SUCCESS"
    "transaction": {
        "p2p": {
            "id": "55dd8788-f222-479c-a318-fb06ad2fc090",
            "createdDate": "2021-12-27T14:47:12.214471+06:00",
            "invoiceID": "12345678937780",
            "amount": 200,
            "amountBonus": 0,
            "payoutAmount": 0,
            "currency": "KZT",
            "cardType": "VISA",
            "terminal": "98151552",
            "accountID": "123",
            "description": "TEST p2p",
            "language": "",
            "reference": "136180415044",
            "intReference": "",
            "secure": false,
            "statusName": "CHARGE",
            "reason": "",
            "reasonCode": 0,
            "email": "dosbols@halykbank.kz",
            "phone": "",
            "ip": "99999999999999999",
            "ipCountry": "123",
            "ipCity": "123",
            "ipRegion": "123",
            "ipDistrict": "123",
            "ipLongitude": 123,
            "ipLatitude": 123
        "sender": {
            "Name": "Sergey Frolov",
            "panMask": "4003********9821",
            "cardIssuer": "HomeCredit",
            "cardType": "VISA",
            "cardID": ""
        "receiver": {
            "Name": "Tester Petrov",
            "panMask": "5578********0613",
            "cardIssuer": "Halyk",
            "cardType": "MasterCard",
            "cardID": ""

Response in case of unsuccessful execution of the request:

    "resultCode": "102",
    "resultMessage": "invoice not found, check data or try again later or check transaction type (payment/p2p",
    "transaction": null


100SuccessSuccess of the request, in what state the payment should be viewed by statusNameFinal
101Rejecttransaction failedFinal
102Invoice not found, try again later or check transaction type (payment/p2p)the InvoiceID number was not found in the system, perhaps your transaction took place not via the p2p serviceStatus need to be rechecked durind at least 20 minutes after initial p2p request
103Error, try again or contact supportYou need to repeat the request or contact supportIf result code 103 repeates please contact with support epay team
104Field terminal absent in tokenRemoves the TerminalID parameter when requesting a tokenFinal
107Try again laterOperation is in progress, request status laterCheck status later, order found and it is in the process of processing
108Problem transaction, contact supportoperation waiting to check status with Visa/MastercardTo request final status contact with support epay team