URL /operation
TEST URL https://testepay.homebank.kz/api/operations PROD URL https://epay-api.homebank.kz/operations
Authorization is required. Authorization type: Password credentials. scope: web api user management email_send verification statement statistics payment.
Incoming parameters are sent in a form of JSON. The model is as followed:
"page": "",
"size": ""
"Paging" takes 2 parameters:
- "page" controls the number of entries that must be skipped;
- "size" controls the number of entries that are received.
"searchParameters" takes 3 parameters. It is also possible to perform a search by multiple fields (example shows how it is done)
- "name" is a filter parameter of a field that controls what is searched in a DB.
- "method" controls how to search the DB (possible options: between, in, like, =, <, >, <=, >=);
- "searchParameter" controls search parameters. When used in conjunction with "between" must specify 2 parameters. When used with "like" must use one parameter that contains %. When used with "in" must specify at least 1 parameter.
In an event of wrong parameters, an error is returned. You must specify a transaction period in a request (it is required).
"orderParameters" can take 2 parameters.
- "Field" name of the field that is used for sorting.
- "typeOrder" controls order ASC/DESC.
This field can be left blank if there is no need for sorting. Attention! The created_date search method is required Фильтры:
Name | Description |
created_date | Transaction Date |
shop_id | Store |
invoice_id | Order number |
account_id | Client Id in the store |
payer_phone | Phone |
payer_email | |
reference | РРН |
post_link(bool) | PostLink |
amount | Amount |
card_mask | card |
client | Payer |
installment_id | installments |
transaction_type_id | Transactions |
payout_date | Refund Date |
payout_amount | Refund Amount |
Request example, JSON:
"page": 1,
"size": 2
"method": "between",
"searchParameter": ["2017-11-19T00:00:00Z", "2018-11-20T00:00:00Z"]
"name": "description",
"method": "in",
"searchParameter": ["description"]
"name": "payer_email",
"method": "like",
"searchParameter": ["danatugumbayeva%"]
"field": "payer_email",
"typeOrder": "ASC"
"field": "description",
"typeOrder": "DESC"
Response in a form of JSON:
{ "totalCount": 8, "records": [ { "id": "b9d46313-264e-41ec-814c-728dd51eb97f", "amount": 1000, "currencyID": "8d565e73-1f67-4169-99d9-6cbfc12c2e55", "amountBonus": 80, "invoiceId": "", "accountId": "", "payerIp": "", "payerName": "Dana Tugumbayeva", "payerPhone": "77029085001", "payerEmail": "danatugumbayeva@gmail.com", "description": "description", "data": "", "createdDate": "2018-10-27T15:08:14+06:00", "authDate": "2018-10-27T15:08:14+06:00", "confirmDate": "2018-10-27T15:08:14+06:00", "payoutDate": "2018-12-29T00:01:01.374084+06:00", "payoutAmount": 1000, "ipCountry": "", "ipCity": "", "ipRegion": "", "ipDistrict": "", "ipLatitude": 0, "ipLongitude": 0, "cardNumber": "4003....9282", "cardExpDate": "05.22", "cardCVC": "000", "cardType": { "ID": "", "Name": "" }, "cardTypeID": "ec1e3a6a-5687-4c50-95aa-80723d9b940c", "issuer": "", "issuerBankCountry": "", "statusID": "22eb5a3e-0737-455c-ab42-ea98f80f7963", "reference": "730681443792", "client": "test", "template": "", "language": "RUS", "transactionTypeID": "4303bed9-243c-48d8-94de-8102f53e2803", "backLink": "", "failureLink": "", "postLink": "false", "postLinkStatus": false, "merchantID": "a5bc9d98-38ea-4b9c-ba7f-65a4add02ed6", "shopID": "a5bc9d98-38ea-4b9c-ba7f-65a4add02ed6", "secure3D": false, "cardID": "000000", "cardHash": "", "cardMask": "4003...9282", "installmentID": "c44602ca-357d-4dbb-8c94-3c36f48defd8", "terminal": "", "initReference": "" }, { "id": "ac63c3b5-b369-42de-9ed3-d503a0840ee6", "amount": 100, "currencyID": "8d565e73-1f67-4169-99d9-6cbfc12c2e55", "amountBonus": 99, "invoiceId": "", "accountId": "", "payerIp": "", "payerName": "Dana Tugumbayeva", "payerPhone": "77029085001", "payerEmail": "danatugumbayeva@gmail.com", "description": "description", "data": "", "createdDate": "2018-10-01T15:08:14+06:00", "authDate": "2018-10-01T15:08:14+06:00", "confirmDate": "2018-10-01T15:08:14+06:00", "payoutDate": "2018-12-28T21:57:18.314319+06:00", "payoutAmount": 100, "ipCountry": "", "ipCity": "", "ipRegion": "", "ipDistrict": "", "ipLatitude": 0, "ipLongitude": 0, "cardNumber": "4003....9282", "cardExpDate": "05.22", "cardCVC": "000", "cardType": { "ID": "", "Name": "" }, "cardTypeID": "ec1e3a6a-5687-4c50-95aa-80723d9b940c", "issuer": "", "issuerBankCountry": "", "statusID": "22eb5a3e-0737-455c-ab42-ea98f80f7963", "reference": "", "client": "test", "template": "", "language": "RUS", "transactionTypeID": "4303bed9-243c-48d8-94de-8102f53e2803", "backLink": "", "failureLink": "", "postLink": "false", "postLinkStatus": false, "merchantID": "a5bc9d98-38ea-4b9c-ba7f-65a4add02ed6", "shopID": "a5bc9d98-38ea-4b9c-ba7f-65a4add02ed6", "secure3D": false, "cardID": "000000", "cardHash": "", "cardMask": "4003...9282", "installmentID": "c44602ca-357d-4dbb-8c94-3c36f48defd8", "terminal": "", "initReference": "" } ] }
Response with an error in a form of JSON:
"code": 232,
"message": "Search Method Unavailable"